Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Suck it, Reindeer Games!

What can be said about Wednesday? Wednesdays are sometimes good and sometimes bad. I think this will be a pretty good one.

These are some goings-on of late.

Al and I are probably going to buy my brother's truck from him. We have wanted a little truck for a while, and just this week his hours at the school changed and messed up the car schedule so we badly need another vehicle. It's a really cute Toyota Tacoma. I'm pretty excited about it.

Alex is working more hours at the school and he will more than likely be taken on to work during the next phase of the census full time as a crew manager for quality insurance. Awesome, right?!

I am totally obsessed with adding more decor to our house right now. I've been looking around for some artsy stuff to put on the walls, but everything is so darned expensive! And then I thought to myself, "self - you can get anything you want printed at your work for a fraction of the cost of any of this stuff." So I've been perusing stock photography sites to find stuff for my walls. I'm also very excited about this.
Here are a few ones that I love: Tell my your thoughts.

I am in dire need of new clothes. Also an eye exam and new contacts. I also still need to do my taxes (eek).

We watched a horribly depressing movie called The Bad Lieutenant last night. I love Nicolas Cage but this movie depressed me so badly I had dreams about the depressing scenes happening in my own life.
In other movie news, Role Models is a hilarious movie and Alex and I have been quoting it constantly. I may want to try out L.A.I.R.E. and, yes, we do have a group in town :D HAHA!!! Google it if you don't know what it is.
Last bit of movie news: Clash of the Titans was a really big disappointment. So-so acting, rushed and skimmed over story lines, couldn't get attached to any of the characters, some lame animation. Bummer. However, Avatar in 3D at the HUMONGOUS Imax theater in Zion will NOT be a disappointment!! WOOOOOOOTTTT!!!!

That is all.


Anonymous said...

Maybe for Crafty Chicas this month we should all make our own painting, or go on a field trip and take some pictures that you can then print out for your art wall.

Tricia Jeanne said...

Oh my gosh, Jon and I love Role Models. We saw it the first time by accident and now it's one of those 'secretly hidden in a drawer' favorite movies of ours. "It's true, I am white..."