Thursday, February 25, 2010


Fact: The Kite Runner is a haunting book that I can't get out of my mind. And - it is not a good idea to read it while in public, as it results in fits of uncontrollable tears.
Fact: I can't even handle being without my husband.
Fact: I am so ridiculously paranoid sometimes. Just because my husband is out of town, I feel like everything bad will happen to me. I walked through my house after I got home last night with my finger on the call button and 911 dialed just in case there was someone in my house.

Those are some thoughts that have been on my mind as of late.
Also, why have I been so tired all the time? And why can’t working out be easier – to do and to schedule?
I wonder if having a baby will make my life way more complicated or somehow easier. The time is quickly approaching that Al and I have always talked about getting pregnant. It’s just so…life-altering. FOREVER.
I have been staying off of Facebook at work as a new goal to be more productive. I’m not sure if it has increased my productivity or not, but I feel better knowing that I’m not getting paid to spend time on Facebook anymore.
Alex and I are finally on-track to be getting out of debt, and it’s more daunting than I expected. If we stick to a rigorous schedule with minimal spending it will take us about two years to pay everything off. It’s SO hard for me to not want to spend any extra money on entertainment, vacations, food, etc. But I’m getting better.

Sometimes when I’m blogging about random stuff like this I stop and look at it and want to delete all of it because I think to myself “who will care about all of this weird stuff about me?” So please comment if you do care :)


Chelsea Lane said...

I care. :)

Nate and Erin Russell said...

having a baby will make your life easier. and harder (emotionally). since i'm a SAHM (stay at home mom) i find myself trying to find ways to fulfill myself other ways. working out will definitely get harder. but nate and i had a baby early(ish) and i have been so happy about our decision. babies bring more joy than you can know until you have one. we're thinking about having another one, how freaky is THAT!

Megan said...

Don't worry. JJ always makes fun of me cuz whenever he's gone I imagine like every worst case scenario imaginable. It's ridiculous, but that's life. And wow, I didn't think you and Alex would be thinking of having kids so soon. Good luck with that. Hopefully you'll have an easier time getting pregnant than me.

Tricia Jeanne said...

JAYLYN. You seriously do not understand how much I love budgeting. I think that getting out of debt is such an awesome goal to make a priority in your life!
I know you didn't ASK for advice, but I looooove telling people TWO things and then I'll shut up.
FIRST: I know it's anti-intuitive because it requires spending money, but go out and buy Smart Couples Finish Rich. Best book I have EVER read on Finances, and I've read a lot out of personal interest. It will teach you so much.
SECOND: Go to the the microsoft template website and download a budget worksheet. My personal favorite is here: At least for me, WRITING IT DOWN every month makes me feel sooo much more accountable when I want to spend money.
I wish you the best of luck with your new goals!
P.S. Couldn't agree more about Kite Runner. I use to always cry on Trax while reading all my books all the time!

K.Hansens said...

I care!
and completely agree with the whole not having the husband around thing.
our bedroom has a door that leads outside so even going to bed without him kinda freaks me out

Janet said...

I care too. And I can't wait for a mini Jaylyn/Alex.

Anonymous said...

As I locked my door to drive to my mom's house this morning, I totally thought: "What if I die on the way there and this is the last time I lock my door." You are not alone with the paranoid thoughts.