Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Life with the Babe

Tomorrow little Jones will be two weeks old, and I can categorically say that it has been the best/hardest/longest/shortest two weeks of my life! I give him a million kisses every day.

Some details from the last couple of weeks:
- Breastfeeding has been really freaking hard! There was a lot of crying and a few punches thrown into the headboard of the bed. At one point I an absolutely convinced that if there had been any formula in the house, Jones would now be bottle fed. I was so ready to give up, but things have been going better so let's hope it keeps up! (Shout out to my chiropractor, Dr. John Sorenson at Advanced Care Chiropractic - his adjustments are what have done the trick in helping with breastfeeding!)
- Alex is THE BEST EVER. He has been so supportive (even when I'm sobbing while breastfeeding and he has no idea what to say), so helpful, and is already the best papa I could ever imagine for our little man. It has blown me away how much more in love with him I am - I didn't even think that was possible. The few times I have become totally overwhelmed, Alex has jumped in without hesitation to help and I love that he doesn't freak out when the baby cries. He doesn't just hand him back or panic, he just snuggles with him and calms him down. Best.
- The baby blues SUCKED, but I have been pretty great these last few days so I'm pretty sure they're all gone - hooray! I can only imagine what post partum depression must be like, and I am incredibly sympathetic to those who suffer with it. 10 days of baby blues was the most I could handle.
- We have been asked a lot where the name came from and, honestly, I don't know! I just remember texting Alex a few months ago asking if he liked Jones and he said yes so I put it on the list! Then when he was here he just looked like Jones to me. We had a couple others in the running, but Jones just fits his cool personality. Maxwell comes from Alex's brother.
- I have been so grateful to amazing friends and family for help, support and love. We are incredibly blessed!

These little feet slay me every day. They are adorable.